We want barriers to financial inclusion removed for marginalised Nigerian communities.

Our first priority National Identity Numbers For All

Marginalised Nigerians are more likely to be excluded from the formal economy due to a lack of ID; and the current ID enrolment framework presents barriers that disproportionately disadvantage these groups.

73% of Nigeria's unbanked adults unlikely to have the required ID to open a Tier-3 bank account.

National identity numbers for all

The poorer you are, the less likely you are to have an ID.

The likelihood of the respondents in the 2020 EFInA study owning ID decreased for every percentile (richest to poorest) of the World Bank's Poverty Probability Index category.

Women, likely to be farmers or traders, living in rural areas are most vulnerable.

73% of Nigeria's unbanked adults identified in the 2020 EFInA survey did not have the required ID to open a Tier-3 bank account - likely to be women, poor farmers, living in rural communities.

Identity is just a start.

Having ID does not make these groups formally included, but transitioning into formal inclusion is dependent on it.

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The data and the stories

May 21, 2024

Inclusion for All / Inclusion for all

BVN, mobile phone ownership

This chart shows the correlation between mobile phone usage and type of phone for BVN ownership

May 21, 2024

Inclusion for All / Inclusion for all

BVN ownership at state or residence

This map shows the BVN ownership rate across the thirty six states in the country

May 21, 2024

Inclusion for All / Inclusion for all

Gender and BVN ownership

This chart plots ownership of Bank Verification number against the gender of respondents according to a 2023 Access to Finance Survey (A2F) survey of more than 111, 306, 095 people undertaken in 2023.

May 21, 2024

Inclusion for All / Inclusion for all

NIN ownership and Bank status

This chart shows the correlation between bank account ownership and NIN ownership

May 21, 2024

Inclusion for All / Inclusion for all

NIN ownership and type of phone

This chart shows the correlation between mobile phone usage and type of phone for NIN ownership

May 21, 2024

Inclusion for All / Inclusion for all

NIN and mobile phone ownership

This chart shows the correlation between mobile phone usage and type of phone for NIN ownership